Oral Presentation                                                                                                                       

Presentation Type Allowed time include Q&A
Plenary talk 45 minutes
Invited talk 20 minutes
Regular presentation 15 minutes

1. Speakers at all sessions are requested to report their presence to the session chair before the session starts.

2. Each regular presentation is limited to 15 minutes including discussion time. The session chair will ring the bell once after 12 minutes and twice after 14 minutes. It is important for speakers to adhere to their allotted presentation time.

3. Each invited talk is limited to 20 minutes including discussion time. The session chair will ring the bell once after 25 minutes and twice after 28 minutes. It is important for speakers to adhere to their allotted presentation time.

4. The session chairs have been instructed to enforce the schedule to strictly limit the length of a presentation. We kindly ask you for your understanding and for your cooperation in keeping the schedule.

※ Speakers should enter at the session room at least 10 minutes before the start of their sessions to report to the session chair. 

Online presentation:
You can record your video by using Tencent meetingPower Point or VOOV meeting.
Video time duration:
Invited talk presentations: 18-minute max;
Regular talk presentations: 13-minute max;
Presentation for award competition: 12-minute max.
Video file size limit: 80MB Max
Video file format: mp4
Video file name: Presentation code+author name (e.g. M2B.4+Chuanwei Gao). The Presentation code can be found in  Technical Program.
Please send your video file to icocn2022@189.cn by Aug 8, 2022.


您可以通过腾讯会议Power Point方式并按照以下要求完成您的视频录制:
  • 录制时长:邀请报告请控制在18分钟内;普通口头报告请控制在13分钟内;参与评奖的报告请控制在12分钟内(留出提问回答时间)。
  • 视频格式:mp4
  • 视频大小上限:80M(可使用格式工厂进行视频压缩)
  • 发送方式:通过邮件附件发送到icocn2022@189.cn,邮件标题请按“报告编号+作者姓名,比如(M2B.4+Chuanwei Gao)”,报告编号在程序册内。
  • 提交截止时间:8月8日(含)

Tencent Meeting Room Informations(腾讯会议入口信息):   

Meeting Room Name Meeting Room ID password
Room 102 999-6270-3968   123456
Room 103 640-2927-5154
Room 104 802-8118-6508
Room 105 978-8952-7362
Room 106 712-4688-3706

Poster Presentation                                                                                                                    

• One panel (about 1.2m Height x 0.9m Width) will be available for each poster.

• All presenters are required to mount their papers one hour before the session and remove them one hour before the next poster session start.

• Presenters should post time slots of their presence on the panel and be present for interactive questions at the given time. 

icocn2022@189.cn,邮件标题请按“报告编号+作者姓名,比如(P1.1+Min Zhou)”,报告编号在程序册内。



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